ALATi’s New Culinary Concept

ALATi’s New Culinary Concept

Curated by Executive Chef Phillip Taylor

Where Global Flavours Meet Grilling Perfection

Introducing the redesigned menu and culinary concept at ALATi, curated by our new Executive Chef Phillip Taylor. ALATi offers a unique culinary exploration celebrating the artistry of grilling and the rich diversity of global fusion cuisine.

Executive Chef Phillip Taylor, acclaimed for his grilling prowess, has carefully crafted a menu showcasing perfectly grilled dishes inspired by diverse culinary traditions. Each dish enhances and elevates the natural essence of the ingredients, creating a harmonious blend of local and international flavours. From land and sea to flame, every ingredient is treated with utmost care to bring out its finest qualities.
ALATi provides a distinctive dining experience where guests enjoy small, flavourful portions designed for sharing. This approach allows diners to explore a wide array of tastes and textures, ensuring each visit is a new culinary exploration.

ALATi, meaning ‘salt’, pays homage to the historical significance of salt as an essential ingredient that has shaped culinary traditions worldwide. Chef Taylor’s innovative fusion cuisine brings a contemporary twist to these traditions, creating dishes that delight the modern palate while honouring the past.

For further information, please contact +66 (0)2 162 9000 or email us at [email protected].