The Kempinski sport shop has all the necessary equipment and professional advice to make you look your best way and do your best on the slopes.
Welcome to Kempinski Sport Shop, your premier destination for outdoor gear and apparel in St. Moritz. Whether you're hitting the trails for a summer hike or carving through the slopes in winter, we've got you covered. Our shop offers a wide range of high-quality equipment and clothing to ensure you are fully equipped for any activity in the Alps.
Prepare for your summer adventures with our selection of hiking gear, bikes and stylish yet functional clothing. From sturdy hiking boots to lightweight sunglasses, we have everything you need. Our experts are on hand to help you find the perfect equipment for your needs.
Experience the slopes of St. Moritz with our top-of-the-line winter gear. We offer a comprehensive selection of gear to elevate your experience on the slopes, including ski rentals, ski boots, sleds, helmets, gloves and hats. Nestled between two renowned ski areas, we offer direct access to the slopes, ensuring a seamless skiing experience.
Our dedicated team at Kempinski Sport Shop takes pride in providing tailored advice so you can make the most of your time in the Alps. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced skier, we are here to support you in creating unforgettable moments amidst the breathtaking landscape of St. Moritz.
Do you have questions or need more information? Our sports shop team is available at [email protected] to assist you.
Or call us directly at +41 81 838 30 89.
Visit us to plan your next alpine experience and find the right equipment for your next adventure.
Do you want the fastest way to the slopes?
For the ultimate in luxury travel, consider a Private Jet. Experience unparalleled convenience and comfort, ensuring your journey to and from St. Moritz is as exquisite as your stay.