Events in Moscow

Events in Moscow

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Events in Moscow

The Vasnetsovs. A Generational Bridge. From the 19th Century to the 21st

Tretyakov Gallery

Local attraction, Local Attraction, Local Area, Off-Site

‘The Vasnetsovs: A Generational Bridge from the 19th Century to the 21st’ is an exhibition that will introduce the audience to the versatile work of the Vasnetsovs, an outstanding artistic dynasty that made a significant contribution to the history of Russian art.
Artists of different generations who bore the same surname were united by the aspiration to universalism and the synthesis of arts, although the work of each of them is strictly individual and has no stylistic similarity. Their philosophy of life was formed on the principles of humanism and Christian ethics, with an interest in literature, philosophy, politics, science and religion. The Vasnetsovs can be characterised as artists-thinkers who raised eternal questions in art, encouraging viewers to comprehend true beauty and harmony.

The exhibition at the New Tretyakov Gallery is open to the public until 4 November.

For more details visit the Official Webpage

Address: New Tretyakov, Moscow, Krymsky Val, 10



The Wild Field: In Eternal Motion

The State Historical Museum

Local attraction, Local Attraction, Local Area, Off-Site

The exhibition ‘The Wild Field: In Eternal Motion’, dedicated to the interaction between Russia and the nomadic world of the Great Steppe, is open in the exhibition complex of the State Historical Museum until 9 September 2024.

The Wild Field refers to the Black Sea and Azov steppes around the Dnieper. However, the curators have expanded beyond specific geographical boundaries. Using this term metaphorically, they propose to study the features of the militant and peaceful interaction between the sedentary and nomadic populations across the entire steppes of Northern Eurasia, revealing the multifaceted nature of the nomadic world of the Great Steppe.

The exhibition invites the audience to travel through time, discovering the distant world of nomadic peoples in a new light. The exposition features unique archaeological sites, jewellery, weapons, armour, clothing and household items of nomadic tribes that inhabited Northern Eurasia since the third millennium BC. It also includes prints, drawings, photographs, paintings and sculptures from the 18th to early 21st centuries, sourced from various museum and private collections across the country.

For more details visit the Official Webpage

Address: 1, Red Square, Moscow


Novodevichy Monastery. Milestones of History

The State Historical Museum

The exhibition 'Novodevichy Monastery. Milestones of History', dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the famous Moscow monastery, is open in the Exhibition Complex of the State Historical Museum until 4 November, 2024.

The Novodevichy Monastery, founded by Grand Duke Vasily III in 1524, is a symbol of the triumph of Russian military power. The victory over the Polish-Lithuanian state in 1514 and the capture of Smolensk marked the beginning of a new era in Russian history. As a sign of gratitude and fulfillment of this vow, Vasily III erected a majestic monastery on the banks of the Moskva River. For centuries, the Novodevichy Monastery has been at the epicentre of key historical events. The raids of the Crimean Tatars were reflected here; the passions of the Time of Troubles boiled over, and one of the largest battles of 1612 took place during the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders. The walls of the monastery remember political conspiracies and family dramas, court intrigues and popular unrest, royal nuns, Oprichniks and executions of rebellious streltsy.

The exhibition provides a rare opportunity to see unique exhibits of the 16th and 17th centuries. For the first time in many years, the contribution monuments of Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov and Tsarevna Sofia Alekseevna, portraits of prominent state and church figures, as well as masterpieces of the art workshops of the Novodevichy Monastery, will be presented to the general public. The delightful sewing examples from the 16th – 19th centuries and magnificent monuments of Russian church art will take exhibition visitors into the distant past.

For more details visit the Official Webpage

Address: Revolution Square, 2/3