Shopping in the city of Cancún

Shopping in the city of Cancún

From speciality stores, designer boutiques and major department stores to the region´s most popular flea markets, an incredible shopping experience awaits you.

Shopping in the city of Cancún

Discover a shopper's paradise in the vibrant city of Cancún. From luxury boutiques to bustling markets, Cancún offers an unparalleled shopping experience for every taste and budget. Whether you are searching for high-end fashion, unique handicrafts, or the latest trends, Cancún has it all. 

Explore our comprehensive guide below to unlock the best shopping destinations, insider tips, and hidden gems that will make your shopping adventure truly memorable.

Luxury Boutiques

Indulge in the ultimate shopping spree at Cancún's luxury boutiques, including La Isla Shopping Village, Fashion Harbor, and the upscale Kukulcán Plaza with its exclusive Luxury Avenue. 

These renowned shopping destinations offer a curated selection of top-notch designer brands, exquisite jewelry, and the latest fashion trends. And the best part? They are just a stone's throw away from the luxurious Kempinski Hotel Cancún, ensuring convenience and easy access to these upscale shopping experiences.

Local Markets

Experience the vibrant culture of Cancún by exploring its local markets. Delight in the colorful displays of traditional handicrafts, artisanal products, and authentic souvenirs. Interact with friendly local vendors, learn about their heritage, and take home a piece of Cancún's rich cultural identity.

One of the most popular local markets in Cancún is Market 28, a picturesque marketplace that offers an immersive shopping experience for tourists where you will be greeted by a lively atmosphere filled with the sounds of bargaining, cheerful vendors, and the aroma of traditional Mexican cuisine.

Duty-Free Shopping

Take advantage of Cancún's duty-free status and enjoy tax-free shopping on a variety of products, including jewelry, watches, cosmetics, and spirits. Explore the duty-free shops located at the airport or within select shopping centers, where you can find exclusive deals and savings.


Plan your shopping itinerary and make the most of your time in Cancún. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast, a souvenir collector, or simply looking for a memorable shopping experience, Cancún offers endless possibilities to satisfy your retail desires.

Start your shopping adventure in the city of Cancún and let the retail therapy begin!