

Let's all work together towards a green future. 

Our Journey Towards Social Responsibility

As a member of the international luxury hotel group, we are conscious of our environment and strive for a sustainable and luxurious guest experience. We commit to minimise environmental impact and maximise social impact during the ultimate luxury guest journey.

2023 - Potable Drinking Water
During the summer of 2023, we introduced filtered water faucets in each of our rooms with potable water. With a mission to reduce the consumption of plastic, removing the single-use bottles in the room is step number one. The goal is to have the faucets installed in all rooms by the end of the year 2023. Already, through the months of installation, the hotel decreased the number of plastic bottles consumed by 50%, and we are excited to see this number decrease even further when all our rooms have them installed

2022 - Inspire X BE Health
In July 2022, the hotel began its collaboration with Inspire foundation in Gozo: "Inspire believes that everyone has a right to equality and inclusion. Our mission is to try to help everyone with a disability achieve this. We do this by providing individuals and their families with educational, therapeutic and leisure services. We also advocate for inclusion, educate the general public, raise awareness among peers, and hold the best knowledge base on disability on the island."  The first year of this collaboration, the hotel collected almost € 15,000 to Inspire, and we are looking forward to a fruitful continuous work with Inspire.
More Information | Inspire Foundation | BE Health

2020 - Bamboo Key Cards
In 2020, the hotel stopped using plastic key cards and replaced them with ones made of bamboo. This is another step Kempinski San Lawrenz has made to continuously reduce its environmental impact and support the local environment. 

Vegetable Garden
With our very own herb and vegetable garden, Kempinski San Lawrenz has adopted a farm-to-table approach. In the summer months, it is not uncommon to find for example Gazpacho on the menu with tomatoes straight from our own garden, and during autumn you may find dishes with peppers and pomegranates. Whatever the season and vegetables available, we always have a mission to use the vegetables and herbs fresh from our garden. 

2011 - Solar Panels
With 300 days of sunshine each year, it is not uncommon to see solar panels on the islands of Gozo and Malta. Already in 2011, Kempinski San Lawrenz began the use of heating our own water with the aim of reducing the strain on the local environment. 

Thank you for joining us in our responsibility to protect Gozo's environment, and for being an active change agent in the preservation of our small island as a sustainable destination.


For anyone wanting to know more about our sustainable initiatives, we invite you to reach out to our dedicated Green Team: [email protected]