For cigar aficionados, The Cigar Lounge, located adjacent to The Balcony Bar in Villa Rosa Kempinski, is one of the finest cigar lounges in Nairobi. The elegant and sophisticated lounge with its comfortable leather chairs invites connoisseurs to enjoy a relaxed evening with friends, colleagues, or business associates over cigars and a selection of the finest aged spirits from around the world.
No food served
Cigar lounge
Dress code
Smart Casual
Mon - Sun 11:00 - 00:00
“In the company of a cigar, one is never alone.” Contemplate the pleasures of life at The Cigar Lounge, adjacent to The Balcony Bar in Villa Rosa Kempinski, as you enjoy a cigar from our selection of premium cigars including Monte Cristo, Partagas and Romeo y Julietta. Elevate the experience with a sip of the finest cognac or whisky from the glass in your hand, and make it perfect with an indulgent treat of smoky dark chocolate that seems to pair perfectly with the scent of the cigar.