About Kenya

About Kenya

Kenya is a land of enchantment that showcases a diversity of habitats found nowhere else on Earth. 

Kenya, Where the Concept of Safari was Born.

Rising from the silver shores of the Indian Ocean to the icy spires of Mount Kenya at 5,199 metres above sea level, Kenya offers mile upon mile of golden savannah, rolling grasslands, ancient forests and volcanic plains. Known as Magical Kenya, this is a natural paradise, a cultural microcosm and the age-old ‘cradle of mankind'. Kenya's people, united under the green, black and red of the national flag, comprise more than 50 ethnic groups and their warmth and hospitality is best expressed in the national motto; ‘Harambee'; meaning ‘let's all pull together'. Whilst you are in Kenya, you may find the following information helpful.

Official name
The Republic of Kenya. Kenya is named after Mount Kenya or ‘Kirinyaga', the ‘Mountain of Whiteness'.

Capital city
The name ‘Nairobi’ comes from the Maasai phrase Enkare Nairobi, which translates as ‘the place of cool water’. The highest city in East Africa (1,700 m), modern and fast growing, Nairobi has over 4 million inhabitants (estimated).

Main cities
Mombasa is the coastal capital and the largest port on the East African coast.
Other major cities include: Kisumu, Eldoret and Nakuru.

Kenya covers an area of 583,000 sq km, 13,400km of which is inland water, including part of Lake Victoria. The coastline is 536 km long.

Kenya is bordered by Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Uganda and Tanzania.

The climate in Kenya is one of the most beautiful in the world, typically featuring long sunny days with clear blue skies, champagne-fresh air (especially up-country), golden evenings and spectacular sunsets (day and night are almost equal all year round, with sunrise between 5.45 and 6.15 and sunset between 18.30 and 19.00. The ‘rains' act as a natural division of the seasons; the ‘long rains' normally lasting from April to June and the ‘short rains' from November to December. During the ‘rains' most of the rain falls at night and showers are moderate in the daytime, often followed by sunshine. In general, July and August are the coolest months while September through to March are the warmest. Specifically, the coast is hot with an average daytime temperature of 27-31 degrees centigrade whilst the average daytime temperature in Nairobi is 21-26 degrees centigrade. Nairobi can become cold enough for coats and fleeces.

46.7 million (2016 est.), 42.5% of whom are under 14 years old, with a growth rate of 1.81%. It is estimated that 50% of the population live below the poverty line.

Ethnic makeup
There are over 40 tribal groups distinguished by two major language groups: Bantu and Nilotic. The largest tribes of the Bantu are the Kikuyu, Meru, Gusii, Embu, Akamba, Luyha and Mijikenda. The largest tribes of the Nilotic are the Maasai, Turkana, Samburu, Pokot, Luo and Kalenjin. A third group made up of Cushitic-speaking peoples includes the El-Molo, Somali, Rendille and Galla. The coastal region is the home of the Swahili people

Africa is generally agreed to be the cradle of the human race; genetic testing in recent years has confirmed archaeological finds. Some 5 million years ago a type of hominid, a close evolutionary ancestor of present-day humans, inhabited southern and eastern Africa. More than 1.5 million years ago this tool-making hominid developed into the more advanced forms Homo habilis and Homo erectus. The earliest true human being in Africa, Homo sapiens, dates from more than 200,000 years ago. A hunter-gatherer capable of making crude stone tools, Homo sapiens banded together with others to form nomadic groups; eventually these nomadic Khoisan-speaking peoples spread throughout the African continent.

Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam and traditional beliefs.

English (official), Kiswahili (national), multiple ethnic languages (Bantu, Cushitic and Nilotic language groups). Literacy: 85% of population over age 15 can read and write.

Currency exchange
Forex facilities are offered at most hotels and in all the major shopping areas. Forex facilities remain open at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport daily from 7am to midnight.

Kenya shilling (Ksh); slang ‘bob'.

Foreign currency can be changed at banks, Forex agencies or hotels. Banks in major centres are open from 09.00 to 15.00 Mon-Fri. 09.00 to11.00 on the first and last Saturday of each month. Banks in coastal towns open and close half an hour earlier.

ATMs are available country wide with 24-hour access. Most accept international credit cards.

Credit cards
All major international cards are accepted. Credit card fraud occurs in Kenya, as in most other parts of the world, and the usual precautions should be taken.

Tipping is appreciated. Most hotels and restaurants include a 10% service charge.

Shopping and business hours
08.30 to 12.30 and 14.00 to 17.30 Mon-Sat. Many businesses work Saturday mornings.

GMT +3 all year-round. Kenya maintains an almost constant 12 hours of daylight. Sunrise is typically 06.30 and sunset at 18.45.

220-240 volts AC, with standard 13-amp three square-pin plugs.

It is not recommended that you drink the tap water. Bottled water is provided.

Post offices
Opening hours are 08.00 to 17.00 weekdays and 09.00 to 12.00 on Saturdays. Stamps can be purchased at post offices, stationery and souvenir shops and hotels.

International telephone code +254. Dial 000 followed by the required country code to dial out of the country. Mobile (cell) services are provided by Safaricom, Airtel and Orange, you can also buy a Kenyan pay as you go SIM card.

Wifi is available in the common areas of the camp but not in the tents.

National Parks and Reserves
Kenya's total wildlife conservation area is 44,359 sq km or 7.6 % of the total area. The main parks are: Aberdare National Park, Amboseli National Park, Hell's Gate National Park, Lake Nakuru National Park, Meru National Park, Mount Elgon National Park, Mount Kenya National Park, Nairobi National Park, Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Park. One of the most popular tourist destinations, the Maasai Mara, is designated a National Reserve.
There are two major marine parks: Mombasa Marine National Park and Malindi/Watamu National Park. For further information:www.kws.go.ke

World Heritage sites
Kenya’s World Heritage sites include: Fort Jesus, the Gedi Ruins, Koobi Fora, Mount Kenya, Hell's Gate National Park and the Maasai Mara National Reserve.

Historical sites
Kenya has over 400 historical sites ranging from paleolithic remains, 14th century slave trading settlements, Islamic ruins and the 16th century Portuguese Fort Jesus.

The highest point in the country is the snow-capped peak of Mount Kenya (5,199 m), the second highest mountain in Africa. The coastline extends some 536 km from the Tanzanian border in the southeast, to the Somali border in the northeast. The main rivers are the Athi/Galana and the Tana. The major lakes are: Lake Victoria, Turkana, Baringo, Naivasha, Magadi, Jipe, Bogoria, Nakuru and Elementeita.

Kenya's flora is diverse. Coastal forests contain palm, mangrove, teak, copal and sandalwood trees. Forests of baobab, euphorbia and acacia trees cover the lowlands to an elevation of approximately 915 m. Extensive areas of savannah are interspersed with groves of acacia and papyrus, which characterize the terrain from 915 to 2,745 m above sea level. Bamboo and camphor are common in the dense rainforest of the eastern and south-eastern mountain slopes. The alpine zone (above 3,550 m) contains many Senecio and Lobelia plants.

There are 80 major animal species ranging from the ‘Big Five' (elephant, buffalo, rhinoceros, lion and leopard) to tiny antelopes such as the dik-dik, which is slightly larger than a rabbit. At least 32 endemic species are endangered.

Kenya boasts around 1,137 species of birds. Spotting over 100 bird species in a day is not uncommon.

Visa and Health Certification
A valid passport, not expiring for at least six months, is required for entry into Kenya. A valid entry visa is also required and may be obtained in advance on-line or upon arrival in Kenya.

Health certification
A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required ONLY if you are arriving in Kenya from an infected area.

A number of vaccinations are recommended for visitors to Kenya (check with your doctor in advance).

Malaria is endemic in tropical Africa and protection against it is necessary.

HIV/AIDS represents a serious problem throughout Africa.

Medical insurance
Travellers to Kenya are recommended to obtain medical insurance prior to arrival.

Do's and don'ts
It is an offence to: smoke in a public place; deface a Kenyan banknote; urinate in public; sunbath topless; buy or take drugs; remove wildlife products from Kenya, export products made from elephant, rhino or sea turtle derivatives, or to remove coral.