Hotel Overview

Hotel Overview

Timelessly Elegant

Exclusive Summer Offer

Explore our exclusive summer offer and save up to 30% with free cancelation up to 7 days before arrival.

Spring Early Booker Getaway

Blossom into spring with exclusive early bird savings.

Romantic Retreat

For a memorable Valentine's gift or a romantic getaway, surprise your loved one with an unforgettable stay in Portorož, the ultimate destination for romance and luxury.

Spa Pamper

Invigorate your body and your spirit in a pure haven of tranquillity - the Kempinski Palace Portorož Rose spa.

Dine & Wine Package

For wine lovers and connoisseurs of fine delicacies, Kempinski Palace Portorož & the Slovenian coastline are the perfect destination!

Family Adventure

Start your Family Adventure at Kempinski Palace Portorož and enjoy two connecting hotel rooms with a 50% discount on the room for the children!