Pripravite se na vaše bivanje

Pripravite se na vaše bivanje

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Check-in / Check-out Time
Check-in 15:00 - Check-out 12:00

Portorož is located in country Slovenia, EU and represents a striking destination, rich in traditions, numerous cultural sights and natural treasures. It is a perfect starting point for excursions and daily tours. Take a look at the activities and attractions in the area!

Portorož represents one of the warmest areas in Slovenia with its sub-Mediterranean climate. It is a city where the number of sunny days by far outnumbers the rainy days. With mild winters (temperatures rarely below zero and January average of 4.7°C (40.5°F)) and warm summers (July high of 28.4°C (83.1°F)), Portorož is the place to visit. The summer months are mostly hot and dry, with up to 11 hours of sunshine a day, a number which will convince all summer and beach lovers. Even at nighttime, temperatures usually remain around a comfortable 20°C, meaning romantic dinners on the Restaurant Sophia terrace or cocktails on the balcony at the Palace Club are a must. There are four seasons in Portorož, these being spring (March to May), summer (June to September), autumn (October and November) and winter (December to February). The months between May and October have the best weather, and this is the time when we best recommend a visit.

The euro (€) has been the official Slovene currency since 2007.

The country’s official language is Slovene, which makes use of the Latin alphabet. However, English, Italian and German are widely spoken.

General Etiquette
Slovenia is positioned in Central Europe and is an EU member state. Therefore, the general etiquette in Slovenia is similar to that in the rest of Europe, particularly in Germany and Austria.

Local food
Slovenia will charm you with its numerous and varied flavours, products of the traditional cuisine; it is a conglomerate of tastes. This is due to the mixture of influences from the Alpine, Pannonian and the Mediterranean world. Each region in Slovenia has its own specialities, each unique and completely different in taste. Luxury hotel Kempinski Palace Portotož is positioned on the coast, known as the Primorska region, which is gifted with the Karst landscape and the Adriatic Sea. The cuisine takes advantage of the gifts of nature and landscape and offers various local and traditional dishes with high Istrian influences. Istrian cuisine is known for offering delicious and fresh Adriatic sea fruits, fish and truffles from the local Istrian hills, all complemented by the local olive oil prosciutto and selection of cheese.

Visa Information
A national of another EEA Member State (EEA citizens are nationals of EU Member States, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) or Switzerland may enter the Republic of Slovenia with a valid personal identity card or passport and does not require an entry permit (visa) or residence permit. If you need a visa to enter Slovenia, you can obtain one from the Slovenian embassy or consular office in your country.


Check-in 15:00 - Check-out 12:00

Portorož se nahaja v državi Slovenija, EU ter predstavlja izjemno lokacijo, polno bogatih tradicij, kulturnih znamenitosti, dediščine ter naravnih zakladov. Predstavlja idealno začetno točko za ekskurzije ter dnevne izlete. 

Portorož predtavlja eno izmed toplejših območij Slovenije ter ima sub-mediteransko podnebje. Število deževnih dni je krepko preseženo s številom sončnih dni. Mesto ima blage zime (temperature redko padejo pod ničlo, mesec januar ima povprečno temperaturo 4.7°C (40.5°F)) ter topla poletja (povprečna julijska temperatura znaša 28.4°C (83.1°F)). Poletni meseci so izjemno topli in se ponašajo z do 11 urami sonca dnevno. Zavidljiva številka, ki prepriča marsikaterega ljubitelja sonca ter plaže. Tudi ob večerih temperature ne padejo pod 20°C, kar pomeni, da so romantične večerje v restavraciji Sophija ter njeni terasi ali pa koktejli v Palace clubu še toliko bolj pravljični. 

Porotorož ima štiri sezone - pomlad (marec - maj), poletje (junij - september), jesen (oktober - november) in zima (december - februar). Meseci med majem ter oktobrom so znani kot meseci, ki imajo najboljše vreme in so tudi meseci, med katerimi najbolj priporočamo obisk. 

Evro (€) je uradna valuta Republike Slovenije od leta 2007. 

Uraden jezik države je Slovenščina, ki uporablja latinsko abecedo. Angleščina, Nemščina ter Italijanščina so jeziki, katere obvlada večina prebivalcev. 

Slovenija je locirana v centralni Evropi ter je članica EU. Generalna etiketa države je podobna ostalim državam centralne evrope, predvsem je podobna Nemčiji ter Avstriji. 

Lokalna hrana 
Slovenija vas bo očarala s številnimi prepletajočimi se okusi. Država predstavlja poezijo mešanih okusov. To prihaja iz mešaniec vplivov iz Alpskega, Panonskega ter Mediteranskega sveta. Vsaka regija ima svoje specialitete, ki so vse unikatne ter predstavljajo popolnoma različne okuse. Luksuzen hotel Kempinski Palace Portorož se nahaja na Obali, bolj znani kot Primorska regija. Ta regija je bogata s Krasom ter jadranskim morjem. Kulinarika uporablja naravne danosti ter je znana pod imenom Istrska kulinarika. Znana je predvsem po morskih sadežih, ribah, tartufih ter izjemnem olivnem olju, vinu, pršutu ter selekciji sirov.