

Health and wellbeing

As we evolve, so too does our desire to do so in an ethically responsible way. We participate in community initiatives, often in collaboration with BE Health, our successful homegrown philanthropic initiative.  

Further collaborations include the Linens for Life Face Mask programme, which makes life-saving face masks from used bed linen, and Clean the World, an organisation that diverts used hotel soap and amenity bottles from landfill and repurposes them into new soap bars and bottled products to distribute to communities in need, shelters and refugee camps.

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Training and development

The tangible link between well-trained colleagues and our capacity to ensure sustainable, long-term enterprise, is realised by ensuring colleagues are empowered to develop into highly-qualified professionals. Our commitment to invest in people attracts candidates with ambition and ensures that we provide excellent guest experiences.

The mandate of our training approach is to ensure that our colleagues are professionally developed with skills and competencies to excel in their current roles, build a connection with culture and the brand and create succession for future Kempinski leadership.

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Human rights

Reflecting our people-centred principles

Kempinski takes a global approach when considering our relationship with stakeholders. This includes a zero-tolerance approach to human rights abuses, such as forced labour, any form of modern slavery, human trafficking or the exploitation of children.

We require our suppliers and business partners to commit to sustainable employment and human practices through the implementation of our policy regarding Labour Standards by Third-Party Providers, consisting of a comprehensive set of standards that we expect providers to adhere to. Currently, 89% of colleagues are local nationals and 11% non-nationals. 



To safeguard human rights, we adhere to a Code of Conduct and Business Ethics, as well as a Whistleblowing Policy, which provides colleagues with a channel to raise concerns related to breaches, directly with senior management.

We conduct thorough investigations, while remaining committed to protecting, where required, the identity of the complainant. This way, we create an environment in which employees feel safe to come forward and trust the organisation to care for their rights and interests.

Kempinski Speak-Up Tool (excl. China)

Kempinski Speak-Up Tool (China)